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projectes:daw [2021/02/11 00:16]
miqamorosal creat
projectes:daw [2021/02/11 00:17] (actual)
Línia 9: Línia 9:
 Our web application aims to become a social network that can finally unite us all and that, unlike others socials networks, distances us. Our web application aims to become a social network that can finally unite us all and that, unlike others socials networks, distances us.
 This social network format adopted by TODOTODAY allows us to follow users and keep informed of their activity. This social network format adopted by TODOTODAY allows us to follow users and keep informed of their activity.
 We can also keep connected with different events once we have notified our assistance. We can also keep connected with different events once we have notified our assistance.
 Users will have the possibility to **create their own events**, giving the opportunity to other people to join it once it is published. Users will have the possibility to **create their own events**, giving the opportunity to other people to join it once it is published.
-[[https://​campus.proven.cat/​pluginfile.php/​128261/​mod_resource/​content/​1/​Proyecto_TODOTODAY_v.1.2.pdf||All Documentation}}+[[https://​campus.proven.cat/​pluginfile.php/​128261/​mod_resource/​content/​1/​Proyecto_TODOTODAY_v.1.2.pdf | All Documentation]]
 Course: 2018-19 Course: 2018-19

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