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projectes:dam:1819:petalert [2019/06/05 13:59]
projectes:dam:1819:petalert [2019/06/11 11:08] (actual)
amallad2 [Client Android]
Línia 1: Línia 1:
 ====== Pet Alert ====== ====== Pet Alert ======
 +{{ :​projectes:​dam:​1819:​projecte_petalert_finalversion.pdf |Documentation project}}
 ===== Client Android ===== ===== Client Android =====
-{{ :​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalertapk.zip |Fitxers instal·lable client ​Android}}+{{ :​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalertapk.zip |Android ​Client apk}}
-===== Non Functional Requirements ===== +{{:​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalert1.png?​200|}} ​ {{:​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalert2.png?​200|}} {{:​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalert3.png?​200|}}{{:​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalert4.png?​200|}} ​ {{:​projectes:​dam:​1819:​petalert5.png?​200|}} 
-REQUERIMENTS NO FUNCIONALS ​+===== Non-Functional Requirements =====
 The application will run in an Android based system with an API between 23 and 28 maximum. ​ The application will run in an Android based system with an API between 23 and 28 maximum. ​
-Login/​Register ​+**Login/​Register** 
 A MySQL database will be used in an Ubuntu Server which will keep the user data, alerts, messages, etc.  A MySQL database will be used in an Ubuntu Server which will keep the user data, alerts, messages, etc. 
-Alert management ​+**Alert management** 
 The alerts will be kept in a MySQL database. ​ The alerts will be kept in a MySQL database. ​
Línia 27: Línia 29:
   ​   ​
-Layouts ​+**Layouts** 
 Application form layout which allows to add new alerts. ​ Application form layout which allows to add new alerts. ​
Línia 35: Línia 37:
 Setting and main window layouts. ​ Setting and main window layouts. ​
-Notifications ​+**Notifications** 
 A distance range will be set to receive the alerts. ​ A distance range will be set to receive the alerts. ​
Línia 43: Línia 45:
 Notifications will be enabled or disabled. ​ Notifications will be enabled or disabled. ​
-Messenger service ​+**Messenger service** 
 Internal messenger service system of the application with alert through notification. ​ Internal messenger service system of the application with alert through notification. ​

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